Support Dog Makes Dentist Visit Great

Support Dog Makes Dentist Visit Great

It may come as no surprise to hear that not every kid enjoys going to the dentist. And while dentists’ offices often go through a lot of effort to make their office feel fun and welcoming to children, it can still be a place that causes anxiety and even fear in some children.

Dr. Merri and Chris's daughter Finn didn’t have too much anxiety about the dentist, but she wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. But when they walked through the doors of Carolina Pediatric Dentistry in Spartanburg, Merri and Finn were met with a wonderful surprise.

A shaggy, bearded, black-and-white dog walked right up to greet Finn. She was soft, warm and loving. This dog is Wren, and she acts as an emotional support dog for patients at Carolina Pediatric Dentistry.

Finn lit up. As the daughter of a veterinarian, she clearly loves dogs, and her visit to the dentist suddenly turned into a fun adventure. Dr. Merri and Chris are so grateful to Dr. Amy Green and her team for keeping this fluffy friend on site to help make dental visits less painful.

Have you ever had a possible anxiety-causing visit made easier by the presence of a dog? Where else in Spartanburg has support animals on site? Send us an email at and we’ll compile a list of Spartanburg offices with on-site dogs.

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