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How (and why) to get in shape with your dog this year.

How (and why) to get in shape with your dog this year.

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to get in shape? If so – and if you’ve got a dog at home – you’re in luck. Getting in shape along with your dog is not only a good idea for both of you, but it’s easier and more fun to do together.

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Cat vs. Christmas Tree

Cat vs. Christmas Tree

If you have a curious cat and you’ve tried to set up a Christmas tree, you’ve likely realized that those two don’t mix.

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Do Pets Make Good Presents?

Do Pets Make Good Presents?

It’s that time of year again! Time to start thinking about gifts and giving, about finding the perfect thing to show your loved ones how much you care. For many people, this is the time when they discuss getting a pet. What could be more adorable than a child unwrapping a box and having a kitten pop out? And wouldn’t your significant other light up to find a puppy wearing a bow under the tree?

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How to Care for Long Cat Hair

How to Care for Long Cat Hair

Long-haired cats are handsome, elegant, and wonderful to pet. For all the beauty that long, luxurious hair offers, it also requires upkeep and can lead to problems. Do you know how best to care for your long-haired cat?

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Healthy Paws: Home Paw Care for Cats and Dogs

Healthy Paws: Home Paw Care for Cats and Dogs

Like you, your pets are on their feet most of the day. And like you, that means their feet need some TLC. And while you might spoil yourself with a pedicure or a massage, you know that the simplest way to keep your feet happy and healthy is to keep nails trimmed and feet clean. So what are you doing to help with the basics of pet paw care? Your cats and dogs also need trim nails and clean paws (and will also appreciate a little spoiling of paw care). So how can you do this care at home?

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How to Hike Safely with Senior Dogs

How to Hike Safely with Senior Dogs

Fall is right around the corner, and for many of us, it’s a favorite time of year to get outside. In South Carolina, fall is arguably the best time of year to go on hikes, as you can enjoy warm, clear days without the misery of summer’s humidity. Your dogs are likely also excited about fall hikes, whether it’s their first time out or they’ve been your hiking buddy for decades. For these older dogs, though, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind when hiking this fall.

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Support Dog Makes Dentist Visit Great

Support Dog Makes Dentist Visit Great

It may come as no surprise to hear that not every kid enjoys going to the dentist. And while dentists’ offices often go through a lot of effort to make their office feel fun and welcoming to children, it can still be a place that causes anxiety and even fear in some children.

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How to Keep Dogs Safe in Cars

How to Keep Dogs Safe in Cars

For those of us who think of our dogs as family members, it’s tempting to take them with us everywhere we go. But before you load your dog into the car for a trip to the grocery, make sure you follow a few key steps to ensure the ride is safe for your dog.

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